Who We Are

Our Population Of Concern

Botswana has over 30000 orphaned children who are mostly facing trauma, grief,abuse and educational challenges. This is a lot given the population of 2 million people. Many girls and women face violence, sexual abuse, and early child marriages in some rural cultures Human and equality rights for girls and women is still lagging behind in Botswana Girls education should be prioritised and bettered, especially for vulnerable and at risk groups disturbing number of youth in Botswana are trapped in alcohol and drug addiction challenges, coupled with delinquency behaviours

Mission, Vision & Values


To provide genuine, high quality, cost effective life transforming, psychotherapeutic, rights and equality-based human empowering services to our customers.


To transform at risk and disadvantaged children, women and girls, as well as young people and their families into healthy, psychosocially strong and economically productive future generations.


  • Empowerment
  • Resilience
  • Support
  • Growth
  • Healing

At Ark Adventures Campsite we Offer:


Team Building

Game Drives