Masego Katisi (PhD) is the Founder of the organization, Ark and Mark Trust. She also developed its current main program – the EARTH grief therapy program for adolescent orphans and their families which is now replicated by the government of Botswana nationwide.This first program, has further been developed in to the over arching trauma-based EARTH therapies which include all types of trauma. She has worked as the trust’s Research and Program Development Specialist and Lead Trainer over the years. Masego is a social worker by background;
Has specialized in applied childhood interventions through MA in Child Welfare and Child Psychotherapy at Swansea University - UK Wales. She holds PhD in Health Promotion and Development from University of Bergen, Norway. Masego has extensive experience of over 15 years as a practitioner and has trained many social workers in Ark and Mark’s EARTH therapy. She has developed many other interventions for vulnerable children and youth. Masego is an experienced qualitative researcher and has publications on childhood resilience using the social ecological theory of resilience; and on global health issues